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It's right under your nose

The phrase ‘right under your nose’ is an idiom meant to express the irony of not being able to see something that’s close to you.
Taken literally, an object that is directly below your nostrils should be one of the most accessible items to you. But because your nose blocks it from your field of vision, you’re mistakenly convinced that the object is not there.
Last year, my Dad (Head Football Coach at Tift County HS in Georgia), detected something right under his program’s nose: fundraising fees.
You see, he’d just run a crowdfunding style-fundraiser for the first time, and his team had raised $20K …
…..but because he’d had someone else do it for him, he paid 20% of that number back in fees.
So he contacted us for help scratching the itch directly below his nostrils.
And out popped our newest product, Teamfi.

Teamfi lets YOU run your team’s crowdfunding fundraiser, without a sales rep…. as a result, you save a ton on fees.
Case in point: our Dad ran this year’s fundraiser using Teamfi just one month ago… and the results were beyond successful:
Total amount raised: $33K (vs $20K the previous year)
Fees saved: $3,960
Check out his team’s page here
Not only did Teamfi save him the entirety of the fees he paid the previous year…. it also raised him a good deal more as well.
Since then, we’ve helped many other programs save on their fundraising fees (check some of them out here, here, here, and here), for a grand total of almost $12K saved.
If you’re interested in scratching that itch below your nose, head over to our website and click ‘get started right now’
We’ll give you a demo as fast as humanly possible